3 days family trip in Paris

What to do in Paris with kids in 3 days ?

When you live in the provinces, organising a 3-day family trip to Paris can be quite an adventure! I know all about it, having tried out a return trip from Grenoble to Paris in the same day for EfluentMum2013. So imagine with children…

To make the most of the capital with your little explorers, it’s best to plan a 3-day family trip to Paris, ideally during the All Saints’ or spring holidays. This minimum duration will allow you to discover the must-sees of Paris at a child-friendly pace.

Let me introduce you to our perfect itinerary for 3 days in Paris as a family, a well-balanced programme that will delight you, parents and children, during your Paris getaway!

>> Paris with family : our guide

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3 jours à Paris en famille: Tour eiffel et Trocadéro

Between the hours spent on the train or in the car (6 to 8 hours at the best of times), taking the metro with the children and the endless choice of places to see, you have to be careful not to overload yourself if you want to make the most of this family weekend in Paris. The aim is to have fun and make your children want to come back! You won’t see everything the first time!

So plan to do no more than 2 or 3 visits over the weekend.

Paris with your family : D1 for fun and for kids!

For this 3-day family weekend in Paris, our programme was well defined. Arriving in Paris late morning after an 8-hour drive, our little family already had a full schedule!

Visit of the Cité des Sciences

Mise au parking de la voiture puis direction la Cité des Sciences pour que Miss Voyageuse oublie ce grand voyage! Situé à La Villette, à côté de la fameuse géode c’est une super activité pour occuper vos enfants à Paris par temps de pluie! Là, c’est impossible qu’ils soient pénibles! Ils ont trop de choses à faire ou à voir!

Entre les heures de train ou de voiture (6 à 8h dans le meilleur des cas), le métro à prendre avec les enfants, le choix innombrable de lieux à voir, il faut veiller à ne pas se surcharger pour profiter de ce week-end en famille à Paris. Le but est de s’amuser et donner envie aux enfants d’y revenir! Vous ne verrez pas tout la première fois!

Prévoyez donc de faire 2 ou 3 visites maxi pour le week-end.

Paris en famille : J 1 pour le fun que pour les enfants!

Pour ce week-end de 3 jours à Paris en famille, notre programme était bien défini. Arrivée à Paris en fin de matinée après 8 heures de route, notre petite famille avait déjà un planning chargé!

Visit to the Cité des Sciences

First things first: park the car and head for the Cité des Sciences so that Mini Voyageuse can stretch her legs after the long journey! Located in La Villette, right next to the iconic Géode, this attraction is an ideal way to keep your children occupied in Paris, especially on rainy days. It’s impossible for them to get bored here, as there’s so much to discover and manipulate! Children can play and discover many physical principles, and it’s a great way for the whole family to get together.

The attraction is divided into two separate areas: one for 2-7 year olds and the other for 6-12 year olds, so there’s something for every age group. The temporary exhibitions, which are renewed every year, are an excellent excuse for families who visit Paris regularly to come back and discover what’s new during their next 3-day stay in Paris.

This visit to the Cité des Sciences was our only activity of the afternoon as we were then invited to a birthday party. To make sure that Mini Voyageuse could enjoy the evening to the full without getting too tired, we wisely scheduled a nap for the end of the day!

An alternative for your first day in Paris with your family

If you’re looking for another idea for your first day in Paris in the same spirit of scientific discovery, the Palais de la Découverte is a very good choice. Located right in the centre of Paris, it’s easier to get to. On our previous trip to Paris, we discovered a fascinating exhibition on ants that our whole family loved!

These science museums are great places to start your 3-day family trip to Paris. Children have fun while they learn.

To continue your visit near this district, treat yourself to a trip to Montmartre, with its magnificent Sacré Coeur basilica. This legendary Paris hill is perfect for a family outing, with a great game of Hunt and Seek! Your children will love climbing the steps to the top while searching for clues, while you admire one of the most exceptional views of Paris. A great idea for a fun activity during your 3-day family trip to Paris.

>> You might also like : Family Trip in Rome

3 days in Paris with the family Day 2: the must-sees in Paris with the kids

On our 2nd day of this 3-day family trip to Paris, we’d planned a grand tour of the capital with Miss Voyageuse’s grandparents. I have to admit that we covered a lot of miles on this great Parisian outing! Fortunately, Mini Voyageuse could count on four different carriers to rest her little legs.

The Eiffel Tower: a must-see symbol for children

We arrived at the Trocadéro, a large esplanade offering a breathtaking view of the Iron Lady. We then climbed up to the foot of Paris’ Iron Lady. To avoid the impressive queues, I strongly advise you to get there early in the day!

For our part, we opted for the more athletic option, taking the stairs to the 2nd floor. Miss Voyageuse climbed without difficulty, simply taking a well-deserved break on the 1st floor! On our last visit, Mini Voyageur and I were content to admire the Eiffel Tower up close – his dream was simply to walk under it!

Idea for an unusual visit: If you’ve already been up the Eiffel Tower a few times, why not try a guided tour led by an actor? Please note, however, that this experience is only available to children aged 6 and over!

  • All our tips for visiting the Eiffel Tower with your family
  • Book your special ticket for the Eiffel Tower
  • Go to the top of the Eiffe Tower
  • (These 2 priority entries are accompanied by a guide)
3 jours à Paris en famille que faire

Then, to motivate Miss Voyageuse for the rest of the day, we gave her a little reward… The merry-go-round at the foot of the Eiffel Tower was a great place to keep the little ones entertained. Unfortunately, I think it’s closed for good.


A great way to enjoy Paris with children is to visit it from the Seine! This avoids too many long walks, while allowing you to admire the capital from a different angle. Children can sit back and relax.

It’s the equivalent of a river cruise, and much cheaper than traditional dinner cruises, which aren’t always suitable when travelling with children.

We were able to go from the Eiffel Tower to the Ile de la Cité to see Notre Dame Cathedral.
>> Book you Batobus ticket here

Notre Dame Cathedral

Arriving by bateau mouche, we took the opportunity to visit the majestic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Despite an impressive queue in the fine Parisian drizzle, the visit was well worth the wait! Entrance to the cathedral is free – only access to the towers is chargeable for those who wish to climb the steps to the top. Miss Voyageuse really enjoyed the visit and was impressed by the atmosphere of such a solemn place!

A stroll along the Champs Elysées

Then off to the Champs Elysées to discover the avenue at the end of the day…
Of course, the Arc de Triomphe is the must-see on this avenue, with the possibility of climbing onto the roof. Depending on the time of day you stroll along the Champs Elysées, you can give the kids a rest on the Ferris Wheel at Place de la Concorde!
Then continue on to the Tuileries Gardens and the Louvre to admire the famous glass pyramid from the outside.

.>> Family’s visit of Louvre

Paris with the family day 3: off to Parc Chaumont

On this last morning, we had a date with a friend near the Jardin des Buttes Chaumont, and it was the only place we could go! A little out of the way, it was a great opportunity to discover this charming garden. Miss Voyageuse was delighted to enjoy the outdoor games without having to walk.
It’s a much more unusual visit off the beaten track, but we’re delighted to have discovered this little corner of Paris, even in the rain!

>> Lire aussi: Visiter Lyon en famille

Where to stay with your family for a weekend in Paris?

Here’s our advice on where to stay in Paris and our itinerary for these 3 days…

First of all, you need to choose your accommodation, either a hotel or a rental flat with All-Paris-Apartments! Make sure it’s 2 steps from a metro station and, if your budget allows it, in the centre of the city, so you can get to all the major monuments. Getting back at the end of the day will be all the easier for your children’s tired legs!

As we were having our birthday party on the 1st evening on the banks of the Seine, near the Bois de Boulogne, we chose the Indigo campsite in the Bois de Boulogne: the bungalows were clean and quiet (in June), a good place to see Paris in a different way!

>> Where to stay in Paris with Kids

Conseils pour découvrir Paris en Famille

How do I get to Paris with my family?

By train: if you’re coming from a big city, the TGV is the best way to spend a weekend in Paris with your family. Book your tickets here – Remember that children are free up to the age of 4, after which there is a €9 toddler fare (see our article on family trains).

Exploring Paris from home before you go

Before visiting Paris, it’s best to introduce your child to the city through books. Mini Voyageur studied the monuments of Paris at school before his first visit. But you can find ideas for books to introduce your child to them in this article. Once there, use a children’s guide to Paris.

Buy your tickets in advance

To avoid the queues that put the whole family on edge, buy and book your visits online. Most of them are also queue-busting, so you don’t have to wait to visit.
>> Book your family visits in Paris

Ramenez des souvenirs

Et bien sûr, vous n’échapperez pas aux souvenirs , choisis par les enfants…


Other ideas for family visits to Paris in 3 days

Well, that’s just a small sample of what you can do in 2/3 days in Paris with children! If you have more time, there are of course many other things to see. My sister-in-law particularly liked the Parc d’Acclimation, for her 2 little ones aged 3 and 4. Enough to keep them occupied without bickering 😉

  • Day 4: Our museum and outdoor visit to Paris to discover the Musée du Quay Branly, the Centre Pompidou, the Palais de la Découverte, etc.
  • Day 5: Our visit to the Luxembourg Gardens
  • Visit Versailles as a family: a day out

What were your favourite things to do during your family weekend in Paris??

3 jours à Paris en famille

Idées d’activités à réserver sur Paris

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